Monday, February 2, 2009

Small story

Once upon a time,there was a girl whose name is XSX.
She had a terrible past in relationships.
She faced many many problems in it,not only in friendship but all.
Sometimes she kept thinking that why was she so stupid.

Once,she encounter a terrible friendship problem.
She quarreled with her best friends.
That was the thing she regret the most in her whole life.

She was an annoying girl.
Maybe that's why all her friends called her names?
Even the guy she admired last time also said that she was annoying and random.
That's her past.
She hoped that she can start a new life.
A better life whereby she can do well in academic as well as relationships problems.

Now,in a new year,she hopes that she can achieve what she wished for..
Finally she can get rid of the bad memories in her life.
She knew that her tears were precious.
Her tears came from Heavenly God,the Creator.
She promises herself not to cry easily,no matter what happened.

This is just a small story.
Thank you for reading it.
Appreciate that u spend some times to read this story.
Any comment?



yanQ said...

-shakes head-


Wish ya 迎向美好的未来


Josephine [欣] said...

thks anyway..
but i ady kan kai le..
since yesterday..
