Friday, January 30, 2009


today i cried over a guy..
and i dont know why?!
Darn it..
hate it!!
shudnt i think abt HIM?
but i cried over another guy..
and i sot?
or "flower-hearted"
but i dun hav any feelings to that another guy..
(i hope so..i hope im right)
but when i cry..
i erm..
is that i only wan a person to understand me,
to care for me,
to comfort me,
to cry n smile with me,
to share my thoughts?
or what?!
Darn it..
im really confused..
anyone could explain to me?


Friday, January 23, 2009


HE unblocked me..
at last..
but at the same time..
HE re-blocked me..
HE just unblocked me to say..
then re-blocked me..

i told fook phen..
he say congrates..
then say jie ai shun bian..
izzit a good thing o a bad thing??


Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday again

today is FRIDAY..
most of the times i like Fridays..
the reason is simple..
cuz every Friday..unexpected things will happen..

today was unlucky Friday..
first of all..
my baby card was lost..
i cant find it..
i search all the places..
i almost tear down my house..
but still..cant find it..=(..
(wawawa)crying le larh..haiz..

the second unlucky thing..
i lost my set of keys..
my house keys..
then my dad gave my other set..
afternoon when i reached home..
(i went back with sp)
i can open my gate lock with my dad set of keys..
i stayed outside for one hour~
then i kept on thinking was to get into my house..
at last..
i thought of a way n wished that it works..
guess guess guess..
wad way???
i ask permission from my neighbour to go upstairs his rooms..
then i clibe to my house..
through the atap..
owhh goodness..
luckily i thought of this way..
if not..
mati lorh..
stay outside for the whole afternoon?!
nasib baik i can get into my "beloved" house..
thats wad u feel if u were locked outside ur house for a day..

the third thing..
the worst and the last thing..
my sis told me that my teacher lack of pianist and ask me to go..
i practiced my song..
and went for choir..
i wear my bez clothes..
i duno y..
just gal's "straight sense"haha..
(CCY teach de)
i reached ther at 7.30pm..
which is too early..
then i played my piano..
after quite long time..
it finally starts..
we prayed then start..
when we r jus going to pray..
someone walked in..
HE is the one..
i was really "shioked" to see him..
owh goodness..
i thought no pianist is available so i came..
i thought he wouldnt be coming so i go..
in the end,
my precious time was wasted..

this time it was a success..
i hold back my tears~~!!
but still..i was angry..
i hate him..
n i meant it..
wad he cause me to undergo..
the pains..
i dont know whether the teacher knows that i hate him or not..
cuz i din talk to him anymore..
the teacher still purposely ask me to help him to hand the paper to HIM..
i ever suspected..
is he doing it purposely..
and want to make me sad..

i dint talked to him..
i succeed..
i hate him..
for causing such pains..
i also thank him..
for teaching me a precious lesson..

dont let hatred overcome our life..
overcome hatred..
its a good lesson..
i teach de..wakaka..enough for today..
unlucky day..


Thursday, January 15, 2009


im really not in a good mood now..
what a stupid person m i?!
even forgotten my own password?!
i tried many times le lar..
still cannot login..
i want to see my truefrentest result oso k not..
so k not see whether the person who took my test know me well or not..
wad a shame.. wana continue my last post..
i write but dint publish it..
hvn write finish..
no time~
homeworks overwhelmed me..
kinda busy..
took me ages to finish it..
stop here..
wana continue my last post..
that post is more interesting..XD..
and u noe wad i mean..

Thursday, January 8, 2009


It had been so long i didnt saw him..
emm..actually..only a month plus..
but it seems like a year or more than a year to me..
last time i met him is..28 November 2008..
today its 8 January 2009..
how many days arh??
41 days..
nearly 50 days..
this year..2009..
i going to sit for my PMR..
and he too will be sitting 4 it..
hmm..wad kinda result will i have??
and wad will be his reults??
its still an unknown~

i remembered that day..
when i was selected with my friends to bcome a prefect..
we had to attend the Prefect's Camp..
that time..
i was just a 13 years old kid..
we had great time ther..
i enjoyed myself very much there..
the prefects are good~..
the Head Boy 4 that year is Eddie..and Head Girl i Connie..
i dont remember much abt Connie..
as we didnt talked much..
that camp is a 3 days 2 night camp..
although we need to wake up at dawn..
and asked to go back to sleep again..
and we also need to be aware of our name tags..
the excos will "steal" our name tags..
and we will be punished~!haha~!
i was punished quite a couple times~XD

well..the second day of the camp is wad i really wana talk abt..
that day..
we have games..
i missed it..
i went to a dinner..
well,focus on the dinner..
that night is a great night..
i sat with Ying Han,Yu tak,Angel and other straight As students..

Hmm..we joked a lot..
actually..not just joke..but play..
i mean..
disturd ppl?
some sort like that..
i was the victim~~
after i took my certificate n cash..
just RM30..XD..
i walked around to find my friends..
Joyces Wong..
from my church..
presently..she studied at..
Pending de smk chung hua middle school?
i dont know whether the school's name is that o not..
but..i know in chinese larh.."Yi Zhong"
my certificate was taken by Ying Han..
hide it..
he put it inside his envelope with his cert..
and i looked for it for such along time..
they just laughed n laughed..
i nvr thought that it was taken by him..
then at last..
i "snatched" his envelope and look in it..
and found my cert..
that was just the beginning of his pranks..

not long after that..
we began to eat~
enjoy the food~
i went to toilet or whatever..
i was not sitting with them..
when i came back..
everyone was smiling..
wad happened again?!
oh no?!
wher is my cup of water?
aiyor yor~~
he took it away again~
and hide it..
he enjoyed himself thoroughly yea..
he even hide my chopsticks..
after we all finish eating the noodles..
i mean..
we r full already..
my chopsticks disappeared when i turn around..
other ppl keep on laughing n laughing n laughing..
u guess wher he hide my chopsticks..
he hide it in the pile of unwanted noodles..
owh goodness~
i cant take the chopsticks anymore..
its sticky..
in the end i need to call the waiter to bring me another pair of chopsticks..
so embarrassing when the waiter looked at the pair of dirty chopsticks..

HE was ther also..
that night..
he gt straight A's..
he is from SJK Chung Hua no 5..

im sorry..
i dont want to talk more about him..
i 4gt everything about him..
every his details..
its a good thing that this year i wont b seeing him anymore..
i enjoy my life now..
and haapier..
its hard at first..
but its for my own good..
to 4gt him..
i focus on my studies..
i dont care about him anymore..
wad he wan to do..
wad he had done..
or wad ever..
its his prob..his businesss..
NOT mine..
i care about myself..
this year is going to b a tough year..
i need to focus on my studies..
not HIM..
and i meant it..



1 如果你喜欢他就告诉他,即使他拒绝了,也不会丢面子,因为在他心里,会因为你的真情而非常非常感激你。
2 如果他喜欢你,要明确告诉他你对他的感情,喜欢就是喜欢,不喜欢就是不喜欢,千万不要怕伤害他而忧郁不决,不要让他等到最后才受到抛弃,因为男孩子的心一旦碎了就很难很难再好起来。
3 男孩子也有自己的脾气,只是因为爱你而压抑着,不要总是任性,有时他们的决定也很有道理.
4 男孩子莫名的向你发脾气,那时因为爱你,把你当成最亲,最贴心,最有安全感的人,千万不要冲他发脾气反击,静静的等着,等他消气后满怀后悔来抱你。
5 他为你准备的东西,即使再难看,再廉价,也要去珍惜,因为那里面融汇着他整晚的思绪。
6 相信他给你多么多么美好的生活,要给他鼓励,因为鼓励会让他创造奇迹。
7 不要总是打探他去哪,告诉他注意安全,你会等着他就可以。
8 不要总说~我爱你~,他会半真半笑着说你烦,但不要不说,因为有时候,他们比女孩子更需要这句。
9 他为你掉眼泪了,那么他是真的非常爱你,珍惜他的每一滴泪,不要道歉,不要安慰,握着他的手,默默的为他擦去泪滴。
10 要信任他,他爱你,就什么都不会骗你,即使真的有欺骗,也是为让你们的爱情能够永远不离不弃。

17 signs you like someone

You look at their profile constantly.
When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up, you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago.
You read their Texts and Ims Over and over again.
You walk really slow when you're with them.
You feel shy whenever they're around.
When you think about them, your heart beats faster but slower at the same time.
You smile when you hear their voice.
When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you, you just see him/her.
You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them.
They're all you think about.
You get high just from their scent.
You realize you're always smiling when you're looking at them.
You would do anything for them, just to see them.
While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time.
You were so busy thinking about that person, you didnt notice number twelve was missing
You just scrolled up to check &arenowsilentlylaughingatyourself.


女孩喜欢上了男人,对他很好,是很好的那种 。她给他洗衣服,收拾房间,早晨买早点给他 ,小鸟依人的靠在男人身边。男人觉得有人这 样无微不至的照顾是件很惬意的事情,于是他 们顺理成章地在一起。男人习惯有女孩在身边 的日子,可后来,女孩就离开了,男人在睡梦 中的时候。
男人讲完之后一脸茫然的问我,你说,我哪里 做错了?我给她钱买化妆品,有人欺负她,我 把那人揍了个半死,我这么爱她,她为什么就 走了呢?
我安静的听完,没办法给这个疑惑的男人一个 满意的答案。我们从咖啡店走出来,过马路时 男人瞅一个空挡便快步跑到对面向车流这边的 我招手说快啊。我有些无奈的笑了。
我问男人是不是不愿意牵女孩的手,他说在家 抱抱可以,在外面多不好意思啊。我说他过马 路时一定比女孩快,他点头说你怎么知道。我 说女孩在刷碗扫地的时候,他一定是悠闲的看 着电视。男人摸着头说自己似乎明白了。我说 ,如果明白了就去挽回吧。
其实很多女人外表很坚强,内心却还是柔弱, 需要男人呵护的。她不在乎你给了她多少钱, 却会永远记得你调皮的从路边花坛偷回的那朵 放到她手中的月季花。她在厨房忙碌的时候, 你从身后送来的一个吻会让她觉得幸福甜蜜。 你们过马路时候,在左边的你紧紧握住她的手 ,不论是什么年纪,都会让她觉得安全。
世界上女人很多,美丽的,温柔的,聪明的, 可爱的……可无论什么类型的女人,期待幸福 的心情都是一样的。所以她们等待着一个男人 的出现,等着这个男人对她们好。
其实女人期待的是对自己好,是件很简单的事 情。
她只希望自己的男人不要因为忙碌而忘记她的 生日。想听他在耳边轻声说句,快乐吧,我的 宝贝。这时玫瑰也可以省略。她只希望做家务 累的时候,他轻轻抚摩自己的额头说声,宝贝 ,喝了牛奶再睡吧。即使对于家务,男人一窍 不通。她只希望害怕或者孤单的时候,男人在 身边搂着她的肩膀坚定的对她说,别怕,有我 。
是的,有的时候,爱意是在不经意间流露的。 可能男人你自己没感觉,可是女人却一字一句 的记在了心底。她们会用更多的爱恋回报你。
尝试着在出门之前吻一下你的女人。常常温存 的告诉她,你有多么的爱她。休息的时候抢过 她手里要洗的衣物。天气好的时候带她到公园 散步。睡觉前给她讲讲公司里,回家路上看到 的有趣的事情。偶尔耐心倾听女人讲的事情, 即使你对白菜5角或是4角一斤不感兴趣。在她砩?了新裙子的时候,认真的看2分钟,然后诚心 夸奖一下她。如果裙子大了,就说你又苗条了 ,如果裙子小了,就说如果大一点会更漂亮。 逛街的时候可以拉着女人的手或者揽着她的肩 膀,因为这样,她会觉得幸福。女人都希望在 平凡中被呵护,被爱着。你温存的点点滴滴一 定能让她闻到幸福的芳香。其实女人要的幸福 很简单。你要耐心的对你的女人好,不需要如 火山火热,也不需要如海浪汹涌,细水长流就 足够让她幸福一辈子。
一个黄昏,我接到那个男人的电话。他很兴奋 的告诉我,说女孩又回到了他身边。我问他是 怎么做的,他说费了很大力气才约到女孩散步 ,还专挑路口走。过马路时候站在女孩左边, 紧紧握住她的手。我笑了,说你现在明白了吧 。男人嘿嘿的说,明白了,明白了,她跟着我 ,是需要我疼的。
是啊,当上帝用亚当的肋骨造了一个夏娃时, 就预示着男人该认真照顾身边那个是自己身上 肋骨变的女子,好好爱她吧,否则你自己的胸 口也是会疼痛的。